KATI BASTI FOR LOWER BACK PAIN This is the most prominent method among Ayurvedic doctor amid the 20the century for bringing down back agony. Katibasti basti is a sort of Snigdha Swedana(oily fomentation ) methodology of Panchakarma treatments which is extremely convenient to perform at clinical or OPD levels for an ayurvedic doctor. Ongoing innovation has made different methods for a warming reason, similar to short waves diathermy and ultrasonic waves and so forth. Be that as it may, these modalities are not variable with common warmth application. While Kati Basti is the most established methodology of soggy warmth application with no symptom and least safeguards. Intense low back pain is the fifth most regular purpose behind all visits to the doctors. Individuals between 30-50 years old are well on the way to get these side effects. Around one in every 50 individuals encounters a herniated plate. What Is Kati Basti - ...